Pi network / android

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moderatori: XXX-Man, vincimus, Lazarus Long, pirat, DrNasty
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13 godina
Pi network / android
Koristi li netko? Uskoro izlazi na trziste... 1usd je cilj na marketu u 2020... mining je free preko app, doslovno ne moras nista pa mislim da vrijedi pokusati.

App je Pi Network, treba referral za aktivaciju (smells), ako je netko za da baci oko na app?

U prilogu slika kako izgleda 🤔


Welcome to Pi's official FAQ!

Disclaimer: Pi is NOT free money.

Pi is NOT free money. It is a long-term project whose success depends on the collective contributions of its members. Read more

What is Pi?

Pi is a new cryptocurrency for and by everyday people that you can “mine” (or earn) from your phone. Read more

Is this real? Is Pi a scam?

Pi is not a scam. It is a genuine effort by a team of Stanford graduates to give everyday people greater access to cryptocurrency. Read more

How does this app work? How do I earn more Pi?

This app allows you to earn Pi by making simple contributions to Pi’s community. The more you contribute, the more Pi you earn. Read more

Do I need to leave the app open to mine? Does the app drain my battery or data?

You do not need to leave the app open to mine. Pi does not affect your phone’s performance, drain your battery, or use your network data . Once you hit the lightning button, you can even close the app and you will continue to mine Pi. Read more

Why do earlier members mine at a higher rate?

Earlier members mine at a higher rate to reward contributions to the network when they are most needed. Read more

What is the Ambassador role? How does the earning team work?

As an Ambassador, you earn up to a 25% bonus on your base mining rate for each person you invite to the network. Read more

What is the Contributor role? How do I become a contributor?

Becoming a Contributor allows you to earn more Pi by building a security circle of 3-5 trusted members. Read more

What are security circles?

Security circles are groups of 3-5 trusted people built by each of Pi’s members. Security circles secure the currency by building a global trust graph that prevents bad actors from executing fraudulent transactions. Read more

What is the value of Pi?

Today Pi is worth approximately 0 dollars / euro etc. similar to Bitcoin in 2008. Pi’s value will be backed by the time, attention, goods, and services offered by other members of the network. Read more

Can I withdraw my Pi? What is the timeline for withdrawals?

No, you cannot withdraw Pi yet. You will be able to withdraw Pi or exchange Pi for other currencies in Phase 3 of the project when Pi transitions to a fully decentralized blockchain. Read more

When will Pi be worth something? When can I turn Pi into “real” money?

Pi’s holders will be able to turn Pi into “real” money when they either purchase goods and services on Pi’s marketplace or exchange Pi for fiat currency. Read more

Can I mine from more than one device? How does the network prevent fake accounts, bots, etc. from earning Pi?

No, you cannot mine from more than one device. The network has a strict rule of one account per person. Pi uses a multi-pronged strategy to ensure Pi is not mined by fake accounts. Read more

Is this app a wallet? Will we hold our own private / public keys? And can we use an external wallet to hold our Pi in the future?

Yes, your phones will serve as a cryptocurrency wallet that will be linked to your current accounts (number / Facebook).
SmellsLikeTeenSpirit [S3AL]
0 0 hvala 0
5 godina
Re: Pi network / android

Ja sam instalirao. Izgleda da još nema neku vrijednost, ali očekuje se ubrzo.

Ništa ne košta, ne troši bateriju i treba samo svaki dan kliknuti da se dokaže da nisam robot.

Izgleda da sad sve ovisi kao budu ljudi to prihvatili.

Treba vas netko pozvati da možete instalirati aplikaciju. Ovo je link https://minepi.com/grubac i kod potvrde stavite moj invitation code da uđete u sustav (grubac) nakon toga se polako skupljaju pi coin-ovi

13 godina
Pi network / android

Postavili su video unutar aplikacije vezan uz pilot projekt in-app transfera gdje nabrajaju iteme koje su ljudi stavili na prodaju(med, jordanice, djecji romobil ..), kao i pozitivne/negativne strane marketa. Neki pioneeri su pokusali abuseat sustav s jako puno malih transakcija, neki su cak postavili fake humanitarnu akciju .. Mislim da nam autentikacija (KYC) ne gine

0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Pi network / android

Dodan je i novi video vezan uz milestonove.

0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Re: Pi network / android
O Matijeviću jesi li pri piću?!Kud će boca nego da se joca.
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 4.3.2020 7:55 (ZdravkoZ).
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
16 godina
Pi network / android

Mislio sam da će tema bit ipak malo aktivnija. Ima još tko da je žrtvovao svoj mob za ovo?

Koliko sam skužio baza minera brzo raste i čeka se idući milestone.



Nov sam u ovom pa ako ima tko da se inače bavi coinovima da da kakvo svoje mišljenje...


Inače, ref: minepi.com/Schevic

If you try and don't succeed, cheat. Repeat until caught. Then lie.
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Pi network / android

Necu lagat, involvirao sam se. Danas zapocinjem proceduru instalacije Nodea na racunalu da vidim o cem se radi 

0 0 hvala 0
4 godine
Re: Pi network / android
I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 3.5 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link https://minepi.com/Marin65 and use my username (Marin65) as your invitation code.
0 0 hvala 0
4 godine
Pi network / android

Evo i mene https://minepi.com/Cryptocro


Racunam prije sljedeceg halvinga da cu doci do ukupno 10 000, jako veliki cilj, ali jbga :)

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 7.4.2020 14:23 (SuperHeroj).
0 0 hvala 0
4 godine
Re: Pi network / android
Tek nedavno sam se upoznao sa Pi Network i super je zanimljiva priča.
Ko želi da skuplja poene, može početi od jednog, koristeći moj kod:

To claim your Pi, follow this link https://minepi.com/Mukiii and use my username (Mukiii) as your invitation code.
0 0 hvala 0
6 godina
Pi network / android

Ja mislio da su ljudi odustali od ideje da ce se preko noci obogatiti i da pare ne padaju sa neba ali vidim ima jos takvih.....

2 0 hvala 0
4 godine
Pi network / android

Malo sam istraživao i čini se sasvim zanimljivo...

Nije neka kvantna fizika jednom dnevno se uđe u aplikaciju da se potvrdi da niste bot i skupljaju se te pi valute. Što više ljudi se pozove više se zaradi.

Koliko sam shvatio ta kriptovaluta će se moći zamjeniti za novac kada dođe u "stage 3", trenutno je na "stage 2"... a ti stage-ovi se mijenjaju jednom godišnje na "Pi day" (14.3.)


Tko zna možda će to biti novi bitcoin...


Ako želite probati bolje se zaradi u timu pa prilikom registracije upišite kod: rlac 

0 0 hvala 0
4 godine
Pi network / android

Nitko ne govori da ce se ljudi obogatiti preko noci, ali ako mozes "zrtvovat" 30 klikova u 30 dana tj mjesec dana onda mislim da ne gubis nista. Tko zna mozda zaradis 10$, 100$ ili 1000$....


Za razliku od mnogih koji su u pocetku kao oni, barem znas tko stoji iza coina, prave video, vidis im lica itd, dok za ostale nemas blage veze tko sto kako kuda gdje.


Ako nekome nije "tesko" kliknuti 30 puta mine u 30 dana, udrite ovdje https://minepi.com/Cryptocro

0 0 hvala 0
4 godine
Re: Pi network / android
Pozdrav ekipa,

Za instalirati ovu aplikaciju vam treba Mobitel, odete na app store/google play, besplatna je aplikacija, upišete ime i prezime, nadimak (budući kod) , broj mobitela preko kojeg ćete verificirati acc, i nadimak onog koji vas je pozvao. Moj nadimak/kod za poziv je doomsy. Obostrano je zadovoljstvo jer dobijete prednost u rate miningu.

Nije piramidalna shema, znaci ja vas pozovem i ja i vi imamo koristi od tog. Ali sve ljude koje vi pozovete ostaju samo benefit vama, a ne meni, onom koji je pozvao mene itd.

Ukratko o valuti: PI je trenutno u beta fazi, projekt je još uvijek u razvoju. U planu je da se ove godine omogući razmjena. Glavni cilj je donijeti svijetu valutu kojom ne upravljaju vlade ni banke. PI Network je već poduzeo korake kako bi učinio coin korisnim prije nego je on uopće postigao ikakvu vrijednost na mijenjačnicama, kroz beta tržište gdje je nekoliko odabranih ljudi dobilo mogućnost zamijeniti izrudarene PI coine za stvarne proizvode. U budućnosti će to biti omogućeno svima nakon što prođu KYC.

KYC - Know Your Customer - svima će s vremenom biti omogućena identifikacija kako bi dokazali da je ovo vaš račun, morat ćete poslati sliku identifikacijskog dokumenta (osobne, vozačke ili putovnice), te napraviti selfie kako bi vlasnici ovoga projekta mogli usporediti i prepoznati da ste to stvarno vi. Svi profili koji nisu dokazani sa KYC bit će obrisani (na taj način se brišu svi lažni profili također), isto tako bit će oduzeti i svi PI-jevi koje je neka osoba izrudarila na osnovu ovakvih profila.

Za sve ostale info imate chat unutar aplikacije gdje me možete kontaktirati za dodatne infromacije.

0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Pi network / android

Evo i ja sam se uclanio ako ko zeli pristupit neka upise CROncevic za pristup inace djeluje zanimljivo vidit cemo sto ce bit... Zapravo evo link

I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 3.5 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link https://minepi.com/CROncevic and use my username (CROncevic) as your invitation code.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 8.5.2020 16:03 (Horatio_Hornblower).
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Pi network / android

koristim vec duze. i nadam se da ce biti nesto od toga :D


Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 3.5 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link https://minepi.com/zeryx and use my username (zeryx) as your invitation code.


Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
16 godina
Re: Pi network / android
Posmatrač kaže...

Ja mislio da su ljudi odustali od ideje da ce se preko noci obogatiti i da pare ne padaju sa neba ali vidim ima jos takvih.....



Ove piramidalne/ponzi šeme su se toliko šablonizirale da već slijede Android nomenklaturu.


Čekamo Revolution R!

You can fall for chains of silver you can fall for chains of gold You can fall for pretty strangers and the promises they hold
7 godina
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Pi network / android

Stigla nova obavjest developera


Pi Network right now has over 6 Million engaged Pioneers, which exclude Pioneers who didn’t reach the third mining sessions and also any suspected fake accounts that we have detected and marked internally. As mentioned in our initial White Paper, we would hold a global convention when we reach 5 Million Pioneers. The Core Team has started planning on the convention and aims to hold it sometime during Q3 of this year. Due to the pandemic of COVID 19, the global convention will be online only. Here are the initial plans we have for the convention.

In addition to the discussion on governance initially mentioned in the White Paper, the convention will also be dedicated to discussions on the development and ecosystem-building of Pi. Specifically, we hope the convention could be an opportunity for the community to discuss 1) the progress in decentralization, i.e. node, Testnet and technical challenges and solutions; 2) the applications of Pi and the direction of the Pi Platform, e.g. showcase of applications by developers, how to create demands for Pi through applications and the platform development.

On governance, through the convention, we hope to surface community leaders and experts to form a committee that will be able to better solicit community voices to help build the future Pi governance structure. At the convention, we can discuss the criteria of electing such committee members, e.g. previous contributions to Pi Network, expertise in different areas, leadership and conflict of interest, and design processes where the committee helps solicit community voices. This committee hopefully will be more responsible for organizing Pi’s future conventions.

The convention will include not only Core Team updates and outlook into the future, but also speakers from Pioneers as third-party developers, moderators and regional representatives, and speakers outside of Pi Network on industry trends. During Q3, we will give further updates as to the specific agenda and format of the convention, on which specific topics we look for from Pioneer speakers, and the selection criteria for such speakers.



I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 3.5 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link https://minepi.com/CROncevic and use my username (CROncevic) as your invitation code.

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
4 godine
Pi network / android

Uskoro 8000 pi :)


Kome treba, evo linka https://minepi.com/Cryptocro

0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Pi network / android
Evo još jedan invite code

https://minepi.com/Bral4 and use my username (Bral4) as your invitation code.
0 0 hvala 0
4 godine
Pi network / android

Skoro 9000 pi :p  



0 0 hvala 0
4 godine
Re: Pi network / android
Evo jos jednog linka
I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 7 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link https://minepi.com/herc2003 and use my username (herc2003) as your invitation code.
0 0 hvala 0
6 godina
Pi network / android

Jeste li vec porucili lamborginije? ;)

2 0 hvala 0
4 godine
Re: Pi network / android
Posmatrač kaže...

Jeste li vec porucili lamborginije? ;)

 Jesam, 2 komada :)


Evo jos jedan: https://minepi.com/Cryptocro

13 godina
Re: Pi network / android
SuperHeroj kaže...
Posmatrač kaže...

Jeste li vec porucili lamborginije? ;)

 Jesam, 2 komada :)

Evo jos jedan: https://minepi.com/Cryptocro

 Ak bude istina da 1 Pi=1 USD onda još nemaš za Lambo, al za Daciu Sandero imaš :)


P.S. ako bude ovo ikad zaživjelo, vjerojatno bude bliže 1 Pi = 0,01 USD...

Battlelog: [G] CyberDemonVZ
4 godine
Re: Pi network / android
CyberDemonVZ kaže...
SuperHeroj kaže...
Posmatrač kaže...

Jeste li vec porucili lamborginije? ;)

 Jesam, 2 komada :)

Evo jos jedan: https://minepi.com/Cryptocro

 Ak bude istina da 1 Pi=1 USD onda još nemaš za Lambo, al za Daciu Sandero imaš :)


P.S. ako bude ovo ikad zaživjelo, vjerojatno bude bliže 1 Pi = 0,01 USD...

 PS: onda makar 100$ iliti 63 bureka !!

11 godina
Pi network / android

Novi sam u ovome ali ne čini se kao loš način zarade ako imaš strpljenja 😂



0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Pi network / android

Moj je https://minepi.com/acmilan2 

Kako ja sad mogu nekog od vas i gdje tocno dodati da dobivam vise na dan? imam trenutno 106 pi-a.

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
4 godine
Pi network / android

Skoro 11 000 pi :)



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