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Ovaj sigurno uzimam, ali ko će to doćekat. Koje biste mi Total War-ove preporučili?
Ovaj sigurno uzimam, ali ko će to doćekat. Koje biste mi Total War-ove preporučili?
ovisi koje vremensko razdoblje vise volis.Maceve ili puske.Ali svakako odigraj Medievala.
Ovaj sigurno uzimam, ali ko će to doćekat. Koje biste mi Total War-ove preporučili?
ovisi koje vremensko razdoblje vise volis.Maceve ili puske.Ali svakako odigraj Medievala.
odigraj medival 2 i ekspanzije ak zelis..:D
isto tako mozes i rome al to je malo staro,ja osobno volim i puske pa ti preporucujem i empire i napoleona jedino shoguna nemoj(meni je totalno sra***)..
shoguna sam igrao najmanje.totalno mi je loš iebo ih japan. napoleon je dobar ,empire bolji a medieval 2 najbolji
Rise Of the Samurai i Fall Of the Samurai su odlični!
Uskoro izlazi Tsardoms: Total War, domaći mod za Medieval 2 TW, pa svakako probajte. Uloženo je stvarno puno truda i povijesne točnosti u njega, tak oda bi trebao biti jako zanimljiv.
Uskoro izlazi Tsardoms: Total War, domaći mod za Medieval 2 TW, pa svakako probajte. Uloženo je stvarno puno truda i povijesne točnosti u njega, tak oda bi trebao biti jako zanimljiv.
Puno hvala na ovom infu, čim izađe mod vraćam se Medievalu 2. Prošao sam kroz neke frakcije i stvarno izgleda sjajno i detaljno, od historije do jedinica.
Nova frakcija za Rome 2!Galliac Arverni!
Evo i GERMANA !!! Suebi
(6. nacija)
“Blood, Nobility, Courage.”
The Suebi are an indomitable Germanic culture dwelling to the north east of Gaul. Not a single people, but rather numerous tribes sharing a common language and similar religious beliefs, they frequently raid their Gallic neighbours across the Rhine.
Heavily reliant on infantry and ambush tactics, raiding is their predominant form of conflict. Lightly equipped, most Suebi warriors make use of the framea, a javelin-like spear, as swords are a rarity. Often unarmoured they carried their rounded, oval or long, hexagonal shields into battle and wore little more than simple cloaks or other garments at times.
However, their fighting prowess is legendary and their warriors rightly feared. Even the stoutest centurion would tremble at the sight of a charging band of Berserkers – or feel the icy hand of fear clutching his heart when the sinister, black-painted Night Hunters spring from the forests.
Fairly isolationist, Julius Caesar wrote that there was a paucity of trade outside of the Germanic tribes themselves, occurring only if a surplus of loot or slaves were available. To distinguish themselves from their slaves, freemen and warriors wear a form of topknot that has come to be known as a Suebian knot. Their kings, chiefs and champions sport even more elaborate versions of this same hairstyle.
Given such ostentatious displays, standing out in battle is important. Kings and chiefs, although drawn from elite lineages, are elected, making their continuation of heroic traditions essential in uniting the tribes.
Under the right leadership, The Suebi have the potential to unite to a single purpose, and Britannia, Gaul, and Iberia could easily be swept away under the weight of their numbers…
Like other Germanic factions, the Suebi are masters of forest warfare and plunder. Stemming from a confederation of smaller Germanic tribes, they have a diplomatic edge when dealing with other barbarians and excel at fighting lesser tribes who dare to stand in their way. They feel disdain for outsiders, civilised cultures and other barbarians alike, and must contend with considerable resistance from those whom they conquer.
Malo novosti iz PC Gamera:
1. Seem's like there is now full cut-scene's to all the historical battles, similar to the short segment from the siege of Carthage, with dead legionaries and Augustus screaming his famous "Varus, give me back my legions!" in the intro to the Teutoburg forest battle.
2. The German's (no tribes are mentioned, throughout the whole article the term German or Germanic is used) use "flaming balls of pitch" at the start of the battle, rolling them into the Roman lines and disrupting them.
3. Unit card's vary now from faction to faction, with the Greco-Roman one's having a distinct "pottery" style, they also change in size the more units you add to an army.
4. At one point it says that the German army is supported by "archers and wardogs". That confirms that they are in. Berserkers are also mentioned, although there is no images of them.
5. There will be a height variance between units/men and factions.
6. The more you issue a command, I.E repeatedly right clicking, there more your soldiers take it as an "urgent" command, and will follow the order regardless of enemies or mass, but at increased risk of casualties.
7. Apparently the trees in the Teutoburg forest are 5x bigger than any tree in Shogun.
8. Massive thing I noticed is that you can now no longer see every single unit on a battlefield, they have implemented a line of sight system meaning enemy units will only show up on the tactical and battle map if you have a direct line of sight to them. This now means you can hide units not only in forests, but behind hills, in ditches etc.
9. It is now possible to set an army's stance on the campaign map to defensive, aggresive or ambush. It's not really expanded upon though. Although it is mentioned that battlefield terrain is now persistent again, rather than generated for the region.
aaaaaaa.... jedva čekam.... jel imam kakvih naznaka koja če konfa trebati??? jer meni bi bilo dosta na najmanje detalje da se vrti :D :D :D
koji komp imas..??
ili mislis na ovaj toshiba laptop..??
ako mislis na njega koja mu je konfiguracija?
edit:ako mislis na ovu toshibu moje misljenje je da nece to ici bas koliko vidim to je i3 proc plus neka kartica 5450m ili tako nesto
koji komp imas..??
ili mislis na ovaj toshiba laptop..??
ako mislis na njega koja mu je konfiguracija?
edit:ako mislis na ovu toshibu moje misljenje je da nece to ici bas koliko vidim to je i3 proc plus neka kartica 5450m ili tako nesto
prijenosnik je... ima nutra 512mb grafičku (kupovani je 7 dana nakon izlaska starcrafta2 jer sam čekal da izađe igrica da imam nekaj na čemu se bude savršeno vrtial) :D :D :D
a koja tocno jel meni na dellu kojeg imam i grafickom serije 7xxx(nezz koji model) ne radi bas najbolje u velikim bitkama na high napoleon a sad jos tebi rome pa ako odes mp igrat tesko da ce to vrtit(moje misljenje)
7 novih slika!
Ko je ovaj zeljezni?
Predobro izgleda. Ma ovo će biti najbolji TW ak šta ne syebu. I jedna od najboljih igara bi mogla biti.
a koja tocno jel meni na dellu kojeg imam i grafickom serije 7xxx(nezz koji model) ne radi bas najbolje u velikim bitkama na high napoleon a sad jos tebi rome pa ako odes mp igrat tesko da ce to vrtit(moje misljenje)
iskreni da budem nemam blage... uglv shogun2 je jedino štekal ako sam igral multiplayer i to sve na high... pa sam stalno igrao na srednjom postavkama i bilo je bez problema.... nadajmo se da bude sve OK :D
Ovo bude najbolja strategija ikad. A još obožavam ovaj setting :)
Ljudi kada će sljedeća frakcija ??
Objavljena 7. frakcija koja nam dolazi sa istoka! PARTHIA!
“Tolerance, justice, profit”
The ascension to power of Arsaces, leader of the Parni tribe, assured them victory against the Seleucid protectorate of Parthava, who had been weakened in their attempts to break free of Greco-Macedonian rule. Thus began the rise of Parthia, an eastern empire comparable to the Achaemenid dynasty of old and one of the few who came close to matching the power and wealth of Rome.
A confederation of tribes, Parthia is famed for its horses, nomadic horse-archers and heavy cavalry, the latter developing distinctive bronze or iron scaled armour which covers both horse and rider. For its infantry it relies on ethnic Persian/Iranian hillmen, spear and skirmisher units and sometimes mercenaries, armed and drilled in the Seleucid fashion.
Blending Persian, Hellenistic and local cultures, Parthia’s religious practices and philosophies include veneration of both Greek and Iranian Gods, and the practice of Zoroastrianism. Over time, a noble elite has developed, holding key areas of agricultural land upon which the economy is based, while trade via the emerging Silk Road enables its agents to move easily throughout the ancient world.
As an Eastern faction, Parthia profits from the rich heritage established by the Persian Empire both in its capacity for trade and in its cultural strength. A degree of tolerance for foreign cultures further eases Parthian conquest of new lands, but their Zoroastrian practices mean an aversion to slavery, which is detrimental to both the economy and to public order. In battle, their great marksmanship and mastery of cavalry makes them a force to be reckoned with when fighting on open ground.
Koja će jos frakcija biti igriva ??
bilo bi apsolutno retardirano da nisu sve igrive
jel se zna dali ce izac kakav demo prije..??
jel se zna dali ce izac kakav demo prije..??
To ce reci sigurno dva tjedna prije izlaska igre.
opet cu zaglibit na kompu