Informatički vicevi i kletve

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16 godina
informatički vicevi i kletve



ha ha        things like that......

16 godina
RE: informatički vicevi i kletve
Amon-Ra kaže...




hehe... čuo sam ovaj, ali za mame Smijeh

evo jednog stripića:

Zašto stajati kad možeš sjediti?
16 godina
Informatički vicevi i kletve

Žena poslala muža informatičara u trgovinu...
- "Kupi paketić margarina, a ako budu imali jaja, kupi deset."
Informatičar se ubrzo vraća sa 10 paketa margarina i kaže:
- "Imali su jaja!"


Zar nije legendaran :)

16 godina
Informatički vicevi i kletve

Kako informatičar popravlja auto?
Izađe te ponovno uđe


Idu dvije babe ulicom... jedna IDE , druga SATA


Postoje 2 vrste ženski:

1. FAT



Dođe informatičar kupovati tepih, i sad mu prodavač predstavlja

Prodavač: Evo imamo ovaj odličan indijski tepih 3x2 metra, u 200 boja
Prodavač: Imamo ovaj sjajni turski tepih, 2x2 metra, 150 boja
Prodavač: Ovo je najnoviji arapski tepih, 4x3 metra, 800 boja
Informatičar: Imate li možda neki 800x600, s 256 boja ?


komentiraju dva informatičara curu
"Ajme, vidi kakve ova ima properties!"
"da, ali je read-only..."


Dođe Bruce Willis u prodavaonicu i kaže: "Daj hard!"


Kako se pozdravljaju programeri nacisti?
Zip fajl!


Sto viče programer kad se utapa???
F1, F1!!!


Što je veće od Velebita?

I'm writing my will,
on a three dollar bill
16 godina
RE: Informatički vicevi i kletve

Dođe informatičar na benzinsku i pita ga prodavač "Što ćete gospodine 95 ili 98"? A ovaj odgovori "Nemate XP"?

16 godina
RE: Informatički vicevi i kletve


There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't.



I naravno:

There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't.
16 godina
Informatički vicevi i kletve

Ovo je malo morbidno


Dabogda ti djeca na joystick hodala i ja njim upravljo!

16 godina
Informatički vicevi i kletve

I don't have a hard drive. Instead, i keep 30 Chinese teenagers in my basement and force them to memorize numbers.


Ovo sto imam u potpisu mi je isto fora :)

What fruit is named after a computer? Apple.
16 godina
Informatički vicevi i kletve

Pričaju dva informatičara:

-Znaš, imam problem, neće mi se dić!

-Jes probo iz safe moda?

potpisujem se
16 godina
RE: Informatički vicevi i kletve
Vulgaris kaže...

Postoje 2 vrste ženski:

1. FAT



evo jos 2 Smijeh

Peace sells,but who's buying ?
16 godina
RE: Informatički vicevi i kletve

Windows quotes


• "How much do Windows cost, and do you have to buy each one separately?"


• Customer: "How much do Windows cost?"
Tech Support: "Windows costs about $100."
Customer: "Oh, that's kind of expensive. Can I buy just one window?"


• Tech Support: "Do you have any windows open right now?"
Customer: "Are you crazy woman, it's twenty below outside..."


• "I try to avoid using Microsoft. That's why I use MS-DOS."


• Tech Support: "How can I help you?"
Customer: "Well, everything is working fine, but there is one program that is not."
Tech Support: "What program is it?"
Customer: "It's called 'MSDOS Prompt'."
Tech Support: "What's wrong with it?"
Customer: "Well, I click on it, a black screen shows up with NOTHING but a sign that reads: 'C:\WINDOWS>', and it just sits there and doesn't do anything. I have to turn off the system to go back to Windows."


• Customer: "File manager? What's that?"
Tech Support: "How long have you had your computer?"
Customer: "Three years."


• "I have a 386 Pentium."


• "My brother has a 486 with a Pentium chip in it."


• Customer: "The computer told me it had contagious memory. Does it have a virus?"
Tech Support: "No, that is 'contiguous' memory, as in 'sequential'."
Customer: "That is impossible, it said 'contagious'."
Tech Support: "Type 'mem' and hit the 'enter' key." Customer: "Oh."


• "My computer's telling me I performed an illegal abortion."


Tech support biseri Smijeh


• Tech Support: "What version of the Mac OS are you using?"
Customer: "Word 6.0."


• Tech Support: "What browser are you using, Netscape or Microsoft?"
Customer: "Netscape."
Tech Support: "Could you read to me what it says at the top of the window?"
Customer: "'Global Travel Conference - Microsoft Internet Explorer'."


• Tech Support: "Are you installing on a Mac?"
Customer: "No, I'm using a 3.5" thingee on a disk."


• Tech Support: "This has Windows 98 on it -- did it have Windows 98 or 95 on it when it was sent out for repair?"
Customer: "I think it had Office 97."


• Tech Support: "How much free space do you have on your hard drive?"
Customer: "Well, my wife likes to get up there on that Internet, and she downloaded ten hours of free space. Is that enough?"


• Customer: "I keep getting an error message whenever I try using the MSDOS mode in Windows 95."
Tech Support: "Can you describe what happens?"
Customer: "Well, I keep getting a black screen with an error message saying, 'C:\WINDOWS>'."


• Tech Support: "which drive is your CD ROM?"
Customer: "the top one."


• Customer: "Do I hit 'F' and '8' at the same time?"


• Tech Support: "Your password will be...a small 'a' as in apple, a capital 'V' as in Victor, the number '7' "
Customer: "Is that a capital '7'?"


• Tech Support: "Ok, let's try once more, but use lower case letters..."
Customer: "Uh, I only have capital letters on my keyboard."


Prvi simptomi ovisnosti o Internetu Smijeh


• Your bookmarks takes 15 minutes to scroll from top to bottom.


• You step out of your room and realize that your parents have moved and you don't have a clue when it happened.


• All of your friends have an @ in their names.


• You've already visited all the links at Yahoo and you're halfway through Excite.


• You check your mail. It says "no new messages." So you check it again.


• Your phone bill is delivered in a box.


• You wake up at 3 a.m. to go to the bathroom and stop and check your e-mail on the way back to bed.


• The last girl you picked up was only a jpeg.


• You forget what year it is.


• You begin to wonder how on earth your service provider is allowed to call 200 hours per month "unlimited."



Bill Gates u avionu


One night, a Delta twin-engine puddle jumper was flying somewhere above New Jersey. There were five people on board: the pilot, Michael Jordan, Bill Gates, The Dali Lama, and a hippie.

Suddenly, an illegal oxygen generator exploded loudly in the luggage compartment, and the passenger cabin began to fill with smoke. The cockpit door opened, and the pilot burst into the compartment. "Gentlemen," he began, "I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that we're about to crash in New Jersey. The good news is that there are four parachutes, and I have one of them!" With that, the pilot threw open the door and jumped from the plane.

Michael Jordan was on his feet in a flash. "Gentlemen," he said, "I am the world's greatest athlete. The world needs great athletes. I think the world's greatest athlete should have a parachute!" With these words, he grabbed one of the remaining parachutes, and hurtled through the door and into the night.

Bill Gates rose and said, "Gentlemen, I am the world's smartest man. The world needs smart men. I think the world's smartest man should have parachute, too." He grabbed one, and out he jumped.

The Dali Lama and the hippie looked at one another. Finally, the Dali Lama spoke. "My son," he said, "I have lived a satisfying life and have known the bliss of True Enlightenment. You have your life ahead of you, you take a parachute, and I will go down with the plane."

The hippie smiled slowly and said, "Hey, don't worry, pop. The world's smartest man just jumped out wearing my backpack."



Bill Gates u paklu


Eventually, Bill croaks and Satan is there to greet him. "Welcome Mr. Gates, we've been waiting for you. This will be your home for all eternity. You've been selfish, greedy and a big liar all your life. Now, since you've got me in a good mood, I'll be generous and give you a choice of three places in which you'll be locked up forever."

Satan takes Bill to a huge lake of fire in which millions of poor souls are tormented and tortured.

He then takes him to a massive coliseum where thousands of people are chased about and devoured by starving lions.

Finally, he takes Bill to a tiny room in which there is a beautiful young blonde with an alluring look on her face, sitting at a table on which there is a bottle of the finest wine. To Bill's delight, he sees a PC in the corner.

Without hesitation, Bill says "I'll take this option."

"Fine," says Satan, allowing Bill to enter the room. Satan locks the room after Bill. As he turns around, he bumps into Lucifer.

"That was Bill Gates!" cried Lucifer. "Why did you give him the best place of all!"

"That's what everyone thinks" snickered Satan. "The bottle has a hole in it and the girl hasn't!"

"What about the PC?"

"It's got Windows XP!" laughed Satan. "And it's missing three keys,"

"Which three?"

"Control, Alt and Delete."


Sudnji dan Smijeh


Bill Clinton, Boris Yeltsin, and Bill Gates were called in by God. God informed them that he was very unhappy about what was going on in this world. Since things were so bad, he told the three that he was destroying the Earth in 3 days.

They were all allowed to return to their homes and businesses, and tell their friends and colleagues what was happening. God did tell them though, that no matter what they did he was "not"changing his mind. So, . .

Bill Clinton went in and told his staff, "I have good news and bad news for you. First the good news . . . there "is" a God. The bad news is that he is destroying the Earth in 3 days."

Boris Yeltsin went back and told his staff, "I have bad news and more bad news. The first was . . . there "is" a God. The second was that he is destroying the Earth in 3 days."

Bill Gates went back and told his staff, "I have good news and good news. First . . . God thinks I am one of the three most important people in the world. Second . . . you don't have to fix the bugs in Windows 98.


Windows XP error messages


A few of the new error messages that were taken under consideration during the development of the Windows XP operating system...

• Smash forehead on keyboard to continue.

• Press any key to continue or any other key to quit.

• BREAKFAST.SYS halted... Cereal port not responding.

• Close your eyes and press escape three times.

• File not found. Should I fake it? (Y/N)

• Runtime Error 6D at 417A:32CF: Incompetent User.

• Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue.

• Bad command or file name! Go stand in the corner.

• Windows message: "Error saving file! Format drive now? (Y/Y)"

• Windows VirusScan 1.0 - "Windows found: Remove it? (Y/N)"

16 godina
RE: Informatički vicevi i kletve
ludiabra kaže...
Vulgaris kaže...

Postoje 2 vrste ženski:

1. FAT



evo jos 2 Smijeh

Čekaj, onda postoj 4 vrste žena??
Nisam mogao preskočit komentar na ovo. Smijeh

...code your life...
16 godina
RE: Informatički vicevi i kletve
Pa cini se tako xD
16 godina
Informatički vicevi i kletve

kad su velike stvari, bilo bi bolje da stavljate linkove, a ne ovako citirati.



ont : Da Java uistinu ima sakupljač smeća, većina programa bi se izbrisala nakon pokretanja :)

16 godina
RE: Informatički vicevi i kletve

Došo Bill Gates na benzinsku i sad ga radnik pita šta da vam natočim ? 98 ?

Bill Gates kaže: Ne, ne molio bi XP


16 godina
Informatički vicevi i kletve

Umro Bil Gates i sada dolazi do sv. Petra. Pita njega Petar gdje će Raj,Čistilište ili Pakao?

Bil pita može li videjti kako izgledaju sva tri. Petar mu pokaže i Bil se odluči za Pakao. Nakon nekoliko dana Bil traži ponovno biranje od sv Petra. Kaže da pakao nije kakvim su ga priakzivali nego da je nakon 2 dana postao  drugačiji.

A njemu sv Petar govori : "Ono je samo bila demo verzija"!

16 godina
RE: Informatički vicevi i kletve
Baja 001 kaže...

Umro Bil Gates i sada dolazi do sv. Petra. Pita njega Petar gdje će Raj,Čistilište ili Pakao?

Bil pita može li videjti kako izgledaju sva tri. Petar mu pokaže i Bil se odluči za Pakao. Nakon nekoliko dana Bil traži ponovno biranje od sv Petra. Kaže da pakao nije kakvim su ga priakzivali nego da je nakon 2 dana postao  drugačiji.

A njemu sv Petar govori : "Ono je samo bila demo verzija"!

 ovo sam toliko puta čuo .. i u drugačijim verzijama gdje je umjesto demo - screensaver
16 godina
Informatički vicevi i kletve



16 godina
Informatički vicevi i kletve


Doživio Bugovac brodolom i nekim čudo preživio te se uspio dovući do pustog otoka.

I tako on, snalazi se pet godina sam samacat. Kad jednoga dana dopliva do njegovog otoka neka zgodna teta.


Teta: "Ahh sad ću ti dat ono što pet godina nisi imao!"

Bugovac: "Nemoj srat da imaš Internet !!??"Smijeh


Nije neki posebno, al može proćBelji se

"Snake.. we're not tools of the government or anyone else. Fighting was the only thing... the only thing I was good at. But at least I always fought for what I believed in.. Snake... farewell."
Gray Fox
16 godina
Informatički vicevi i kletve

Jedan moje proizvodnje ...


BUG.kvaliteta / NekiDrugiČasopis.kvaliteta = ?


Nema rješenja, ne može se djeliti s nulom.

16 godina
RE: Informatički vicevi i kletve
itf4n kaže...

Jedan moje proizvodnje ...


BUG.kvaliteta / NekiDrugiČasopis.kvaliteta = ?


Nema rješenja, ne može se djeliti s nulom.

 A sada kao da igraš za Real Madrid, malo se ulizuješ priznaj :D

Intel E4400 @ 3204(359*9) & 1.36V w/ TT BigTyphoon || Gigabyte P35-DS3 rev 1.0 F12 || 2*1GB KingMAX 800@890 MHz CL4 & 2.1V || PowerColor X800XL 430-1000 MHz || Hitachi T7K250 @ 7200RPM || LG GSA-H10A || Codegen 480X || CustomCase + 120 mm TT || Logitech Mouse & X-210 sound || Philips 200WS @ DVI ||
16 godina
RE: Informatički vicevi i kletve


16 godina
Informatički vicevi i kletve


16 godina
Informatički vicevi i kletve

Dabogda ti upo Bug u Virus...

pa ti sad misli

Zlo i Naopako
16 godina
Informatički vicevi i kletve



Kako prepoznaš lošeg programera?

Izlizana mu je tipka ESC!

- Što je to Hardware???
- Dio koji podnosi udarce kad software ne radi!



- "Tata, reci mi, kako sam se rodio?"
- "Dobro sine, znao sam da ćeš me jednog dana to pitati. Evo ovako. Tata i mama su napravili jedan copy/paste na jednom chatu na MSN. Tata je onda dao mami sastanak preko email-a u WC-u u jednom cybercafeu. Onda je mama napravila nekoliko download-a s tatinim memory stick-om.
Kad je tata bio spreman za upload, primjetili smo da nismo stavili firewall. Kako je bilo kasno da se koristi undo, a ni delete više nije pomagao, 9 mjeseci kasnije nam je stigao zajebani virus..."

Microsoft je oborio Volkswagoneov rekord.

VW je napravio svega 22 milijona Bugova.(Buba)

- Kako plavuša printa?
- Stavi monitor na fotokopirni aparat!



Deset stvari koje možeš napraviti dok si u Borg Kocki
1. Daj im da asimiliraju Windowse.
2. Ako ih to ne sruši dodaj Windows Service Pack 2.
3. Dok se ruše pusti snimku: Mi smo Microsoft. Vaš sustav će biti srušen. Otpor je uzaludan.
4. Ako koja radilica preživi dotuci je Microsoft Officeom.
5. Upoznaj Borgovsku kraljicu sa Bill Gatesom.
6. Dok se upoznaju onako usput spomeni Billu da Borg koristi ilegalne kopije Windowsa.
7. Gledaj kako Borg napadaju gomile Billovih ratnika zvanih odvjetnici.
8. Gledaj kako je nakon napada Borg prisiljen prodati kocku da podmiri dugove a Borgovska kraljica odnese gaće na štapu.
9. Kupuj samo originalne Windowse da te ne zadesi ista sudbina kao i Borga
10. Ama baš nikad ne instaliraj Windowsa u shuttle jer mogao bi proći gore od Voyagera.



Šalje Mujo Hasi internet adresu:

- Šta imaju podmornica i windowsi zajedniČko?
- Ćim otvoriš prozor počinju problemi!

Tko je General Error i zašto čita moj C disk?


Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 27.2.2008 23:44 (fifiX).
16 godina
RE: Informatički vicevi i kletve
Amon-Ra kaže...



 Ovo sam vidio, ili sam vidio nešto slično na miniclipu ili crazy games
16 godina
RE: Informatički vicevi i kletve

Ocami najveca kletva barem za mene "Dabogda ti se kompjuter pokvario", niđe veze al nema veze :D

Sve što možeš sad ostavi za kasnije
16 godina
RE: Informatički vicevi i kletve

mislio sam staviti za potpis:

Želim  curu  čije  ime  ne  završava  na  .JPG

Facedown in dust and poisoned ground! (Cradle of filth- Scorched Earth Erotica)
Death becomes to those who had life and chose to go before those and now his grave is closed - Sacred sa jednog groba
16 godina
Informatički vicevi i kletve

Vrtim Crysis na 600 MHz procesora!

Potpis bez imena, takozvani bezimeni potpis ili potpis koji nema imena...
16 godina
Informatički vicevi i kletve

Što radi cigan na kompjuteru?

Kopa po "Recycle Binu"

Potpis bez imena, takozvani bezimeni potpis ili potpis koji nema imena...
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