Kodi Addonsi izdvojena tema

poruka: 3.410
čitano: 1.716.119
moderatori: pirat, Lazarus Long, XXX-Man, vincimus
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Ova tema je sadržajno povezana sa sljedećim temama: Android TV Box, molim preporuku
15 godina
Re: Kodi Addonsi

Sve sto nemos instalirat preko Firesticka i njegove sreach and and download opcije, moze preko tog Downloadera kak je kolega rekao.

To ti je onak prvi alat kojeg instaliras na Firesticku jer preko njega imas tu opciju preuzimanja .apk fileova putem linka.

Super alat jer kad preuzmes apk file, napravis instalaciju, ovaj ti odma ponudi da isti apk file obrises jer vise nemas potrebe za istim.


Well... if you dont know me you cant trust me, and if you cant trust me, odds are low youll leap in front of a flying arrow to save my life.
9 godina
Kodi Addonsi

Ekipa imam pitanje, imam firestick i kodi na njemu kako postaviti sustav da mi kodi vidi share file na laptopu koji je na istoj wifi mreži? 

0 0 hvala 0
5 godina
Re: Kodi Addonsi

Na laptopu podesis folder da bude share-bilan.


U Kodiju pokreces video tako sto pristupas Samba folderu.


Skini Android Samba Clijent, gdje mozez share-ovati foldere na Firesticku. Koristi Downloader.




Taj OS na Firestiku je Android kompatibilan, pa samim tim koristi i Linux kernel. Samba clijent odlicno funkcionise u 'kucnoj' mrezi.




Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 28.12.2020 8:54 (Zivcho).
9 godina
Re: Kodi Addonsi
Hvala ti puno, riješeno
3 godine
Kodi Addonsi

Pozdrav ekipa imam jedan mali problem nedavno sam pribacia kodi priko usb sebi na laptop i sad mi se javlja ova greska.... bez problema udem u aplikaciju unesem linkove i kada zelim pokrenit tipa hrt2 nece da mi ucita sliku...

0 0 hvala 0
5 godina
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 4
5 godina
Kodi Addonsi
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 11.1.2021 21:49 (Zivcho).
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 4
13 godina
Re: Kodi Addonsi

Zivcho, molim te još jednom upute kako zamijeniti postojeće settings datoteke u Coreelec varijanti stalkera?

Koje fajle iz gornjeg posta i gdje ih moram staviti?


13 godina
Re: Kodi Addonsi

Trebaš datoteku settings.xml kopirati u Direktorij profila/addon_data/PVR Stalker. To odradiš kroz upravitelj datoteka. Kopiraš u prethodni direktorij i to je to.


Stručnjak za odmaganje...
5 godina
Re: Kodi Addonsi

Ovaj setting.xml iskopiraj u data-userdata-addon_data-pvr.stalker folder.



3 godine
Kodi Addonsi

Jel' zna netko možda link za epg za clientbox.tv ili king-box.club ?

0 0 hvala 0
5 godina
Kodi Addonsi
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 1
5 godina
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 2
3 godine
Kodi Addonsi

Ljudi, ima li neko možda Kodi ipa za iOS?

inače,ne znam jeste vidli da TVDB počinje naplaćivati uslugu i da će utjecati to na addonove. Venom gubi podršku, FEN se prebacuje na TMDB koji je sporiji... 

0 0 hvala 0
5 godina
Re: Kodi Addonsi
15 godina
Re: Kodi Addonsi

Dali radis update ovih adresa na Firesticku mozda ? Ako da, kako ?

Well... if you dont know me you cant trust me, and if you cant trust me, odds are low youll leap in front of a flying arrow to save my life.
5 godina
Re: Kodi Addonsi


Skini ovaj file i iskopiraj ga u Kodi folder data-userdata-addon_data-prv.stalker_a64


15 godina
Re: Kodi Addonsi

To me zanima, kak ga skines i kopiras na firesticku ? Skines file preko Downloadera i onda koristis neki file management sustav da taj file prebacis na drugu lokaciju ?

Well... if you dont know me you cant trust me, and if you cant trust me, odds are low youll leap in front of a flying arrow to save my life.
5 godina
Re: Kodi Addonsi

Pa, da. Instaliraj neki file-manager i sa njim prebaci file u onaj Kodi folder

3 godine
Re: Kodi Addonsi

Hvala na savjetu al ne radi tweakbox nažalost

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 27.1.2021 22:20 (KTBFFH).
13 godina
Re: Kodi Addonsi
AmonZero kaže...

To me zanima, kak ga skines i kopiras na firesticku ? Skines file preko Downloadera i onda koristis neki file management sustav da taj file prebacis na drugu lokaciju ?

 ja koristim ES File Explorer


15 godina
Kodi Addonsi

jel ima mozda neko za stbemu kodova sa americkim kanalima i sl..  ako moze u PP neko da objasni kako naci taja portal i mac adresu?

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Re: Kodi Addonsi

Je li ima netko problema sa dodavanjem svojih serija sa hard diska da se vide u TV SHOWS? Movies mi je normalno očitao filmove ali serije mi nikako neće prorade. Dodao sam sve defaultne scrappere i probao sa svakim od njih refreshat library ali ništa. Prvi put mi je nekako bez da sam ga uopće tražio dodao 2 epizode wandavision ali sad kad hoću sve serije onda se pravi glup. Prvo su sve serije bile u svojim folderima, svaka epizoda u svom podfolderu, onda sam počupao sve epizode u jedan folder unutar jedne serije i na kraju opet počupao sve serije iz svih zasebnih foldera u jedan folder.


evo jedan primjer iz loga kako to izgleda...


2021-02-01 13:30:46.214 T:3352 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
2021-02-01 13:30:46.759 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Black Sails S01E01.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:46.911 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Black Sails S01E02.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:47.060 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Black Sails S01E03.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:47.236 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Black Sails S01E04.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:47.386 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Black Sails S01E05.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:47.529 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Black Sails S01E06.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:47.682 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Black Sails S01E07.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:47.884 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Black Sails S01E08.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:48.213 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Emily.in.Paris.S01E01.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:48.553 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Emily.in.Paris.S01E02.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:48.931 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Emily.in.Paris.S01E03.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:49.209 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Emily.in.Paris.S01E04.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:49.765 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Emily.in.Paris.S01E05.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:50.137 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Emily.in.Paris.S01E06.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:50.702 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Emily.in.Paris.S01E07.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:51.015 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Emily.in.Paris.S01E08.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:51.287 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Emily.in.Paris.S01E09.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:51.570 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Emily.in.Paris.S01E10.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:51.880 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Firefly.S01E01-E02.BDRip.x264-FGT.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:52.195 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Firefly.S01E03.BDRip.x264-FGT.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:52.763 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Firefly.S01E04.BDRip.x264-FGT.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:53.316 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Firefly.S01E05.BDRip.x264-FGT.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:53.678 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Firefly.S01E06.BDRip.x264-FGT.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:54.031 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Firefly.S01E07.BDRip.x264-FGT.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:54.334 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Firefly.S01E08.BDRip.x264-FGT.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:54.671 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Firefly.S01E09.BDRip.x264-FGT.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:54.982 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Firefly.S01E10.BDRip.x264-FGT.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:55.269 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Firefly.S01E11.BDRip.x264-FGT.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:55.561 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Firefly.S01E12.BDRip.x264-FGT.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:55.872 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Firefly.S01E13.BDRip.x264-FGT.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:56.187 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Firefly.S01E14.BDRip.x264-FGT.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:56.496 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Firefly.S01E15.BDRip.x264-FGT.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:56.782 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Jurassic.World.Camp.Cretaceous.S02E01.720p.NF.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:57.100 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Jurassic.World.Camp.Cretaceous.S02E02.720p.NF.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:57.375 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Jurassic.World.Camp.Cretaceous.S02E03.720p.NF.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:57.653 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Jurassic.World.Camp.Cretaceous.S02E04.720p.NF.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:58.002 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Jurassic.World.Camp.Cretaceous.S02E05.720p.NF.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:58.335 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Jurassic.World.Camp.Cretaceous.S02E06.720p.NF.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:58.616 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Jurassic.World.Camp.Cretaceous.S02E07.720p.NF.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:58.962 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Jurassic.World.Camp.Cretaceous.S02E08.720p.NF.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:59.253 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Law.and.Order.SVU.S22E05.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:59.533 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Law.and.Order.SVU.S22E06.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:30:59.898 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Manifest.S01E01.Pilot.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.H.264-AJP69.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:00.250 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Manifest.S01E02.Reentry.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.H.264-AJP69.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:00.636 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Manifest.S01E03.Turbulence.REPACK.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.H.264-AJP69.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:00.933 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Manifest.S01E04.Unclaimed.Baggage.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.H.264-AJP69.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:01.235 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Manifest.S01E05.Connecting.Flights.REPACK.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.H.264-AJP69.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:01.629 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Manifest.S01E06.Off.Radar.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.H.264-AJP69.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:01.969 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Manifest.S01E07.S.N.A.F.U.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.H.264-AJP69.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:02.303 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Manifest.S01E08.Point.of.No.Return.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.H.264-AJP69.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:02.649 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Manifest.S01E09.Dead.Reckoning.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.H.264-AJP69.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:02.983 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Manifest.S01E10.Crosswinds.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.H.264-AJP69.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:03.316 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Manifest.S01E11.Contrails.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.H.264-AJP69.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:03.639 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Manifest.S01E12.Vanishing.Point.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.H.264-AJP69.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:03.938 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Manifest.S01E13.Cleared.for.Approach.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.H.264-AJP69.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:04.267 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Manifest.S01E14.Upgrade.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.H.264-AJP69.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:04.772 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Manifest.S01E15.Hard.Landing.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.H.264-AJP69.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:05.069 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Manifest.S01E16.Estimated.Time.of.Departure.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.H.264-AJP69.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:05.581 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Married.with.Children.S01-S11.Complete.480p.DVDRip.x264-Sticky83\', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:07.229 T:3352 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for https://webservice.fanart.tv/v3/tv/339521?api_key=ed4b784f97227358b31ca4dd966a04f1:
2021-02-01 13:31:07.229 T:3352 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
2021-02-01 13:31:07.349 T:3352 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for https://webservice.fanart.tv/v3/tv/339521?api_key=ed4b784f97227358b31ca4dd966a04f1:
2021-02-01 13:31:07.349 T:3352 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
2021-02-01 13:31:07.515 T:3352 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for https://webservice.fanart.tv/v3/tv/339521?api_key=ed4b784f97227358b31ca4dd966a04f1:
2021-02-01 13:31:07.515 T:3352 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
2021-02-01 13:31:07.652 T:3352 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for https://webservice.fanart.tv/v3/tv/339521?api_key=ed4b784f97227358b31ca4dd966a04f1:
2021-02-01 13:31:07.652 T:3352 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
2021-02-01 13:31:07.778 T:3352 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for https://webservice.fanart.tv/v3/tv/339521?api_key=ed4b784f97227358b31ca4dd966a04f1:
2021-02-01 13:31:07.778 T:3352 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
2021-02-01 13:31:07.921 T:3352 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for https://webservice.fanart.tv/v3/tv/339521?api_key=ed4b784f97227358b31ca4dd966a04f1:
2021-02-01 13:31:07.921 T:3352 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
2021-02-01 13:31:08.057 T:3352 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for https://webservice.fanart.tv/v3/tv/339521?api_key=ed4b784f97227358b31ca4dd966a04f1:
2021-02-01 13:31:08.057 T:3352 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
2021-02-01 13:31:08.239 T:3352 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for https://webservice.fanart.tv/v3/tv/339521?api_key=ed4b784f97227358b31ca4dd966a04f1:
2021-02-01 13:31:08.239 T:3352 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
2021-02-01 13:31:08.386 T:3352 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for https://webservice.fanart.tv/v3/tv/339521?api_key=ed4b784f97227358b31ca4dd966a04f1:
2021-02-01 13:31:08.386 T:3352 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
2021-02-01 13:31:08.538 T:3352 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for https://webservice.fanart.tv/v3/tv/339521?api_key=ed4b784f97227358b31ca4dd966a04f1:
2021-02-01 13:31:08.538 T:3352 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
2021-02-01 13:31:08.984 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Flight.Attendant.S01E01.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:09.322 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Flight.Attendant.S01E02.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:09.703 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Flight.Attendant.S01E03.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:10.097 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Flight.Attendant.S01E04.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:10.437 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Flight.Attendant.S01E05.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:10.750 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Flight.Attendant.S01E06.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:11.112 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Flight.Attendant.S01E07.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:11.451 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Flight.Attendant.S01E08.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:11.830 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Mandalorian.S01E01.INTERNAL.1080p.WEB.H264-DEFLATE.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:12.203 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Mandalorian.S01E02.1080p.WEBRiP.x264-PETRiFiED.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:12.550 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Mandalorian.S01E03.1080p.WEB.H264-PETRiFiED.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:12.904 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Mandalorian.S01E04.1080p.WEBRiP.x264-PETRiFiED.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:13.081 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Mandalorian.S01E05.1080p.WEBRiP.x264-PETRiFiED.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:13.494 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Mandalorian.S01E06.REPACK.1080p.WEBRiP.x264-PETRiFiED.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:13.641 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Mandalorian.S01E07.1080p.WEBRiP.x264-PETRiFiED.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:13.830 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Mandalorian.S01E08.1080p.WEBRiP.x264-PETRiFiED.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:14.169 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Mandalorian.S02E01.1080p.DSNP.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.H.264-PHOENiX.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:14.484 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Mandalorian.S02E02.Chapter.10.1080p.DSNP.WEB-DL.DDP.5.1.Atmos.H.264-PHOENiX.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:14.846 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Mandalorian.S02E03.Chapter.11.The.Heiress.1080p.WEBRip.DDP5.1.Atmos.x264-MZABI.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:15.268 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Mandalorian.S02E04.Chapter.12.The.Siege.1080p.WEBRip.DDP5.1.Atmos.x264-MZABI.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:15.652 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Mandalorian.S02E05.2160p.WEB-DL.x265.10bit.HDR.DDP5.1.Atmos-EZNOOB.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:16.021 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Mandalorian.S02E06.Chapter.14.The.Tragedy.1080p.WEBRip.DDP5.1.Atmos.x264-MZABI.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:16.364 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\the.mandalorian.s02e07.hdr.2160p.web.h265-ggwp.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:16.746 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Mandalorian.S02E08.Chapter.16.The.Rescue.1080p.WEBRip.DDP5.1.Atmos.x264-MZABI.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:17.101 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Rookie.S03E02.In.Justice.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-NTb.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:17.446 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Rookie.S03E03.La.Fiera.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-NTb.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:17.852 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Rookie.S03E04.Sabotage.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.DDP5.1.x264-NTb[eztv.re].mkv', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:18.216 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Sopranos.S02.BDRip.x264-ARCHiViST[rartv]\', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:18.579 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Sopranos.S03.BDRip.x264-ARCHiViST[rartv]\', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:18.914 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Sopranos.S04.BDRip.x264-ARCHiViST[rartv]\', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:19.502 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\The.Sopranos.S05.BDRip.x264-ARCHiViST[rartv]\', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:19.824 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E01.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:20.124 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E02.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:20.466 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E03.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:20.773 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E04.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:21.114 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E05.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:21.449 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E06.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:21.783 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E07.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:22.136 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E08.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:22.464 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E09.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:22.772 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E10.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:23.055 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E11.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:23.334 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E12.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:23.703 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E13.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:24.065 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E14.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:24.418 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E15.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:24.798 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E16.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:25.150 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E17.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:25.471 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E18.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:25.765 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E19.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:26.164 T:3352 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\Vikings.S05E20.BRRip.x264-ION10.mp4', it won't be added to the library.
2021-02-01 13:31:28.159 T:3352 WARNING: VIDEO::CVideoInfoScanner::Process directory 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\WandaVision.S01E01.1080p.DSNP.WEBRip.DDP5.1.Atmos.x264-CM.mkv\' does not exist - skipping scan.
2021-02-01 13:31:28.159 T:3352 WARNING: VIDEO::CVideoInfoScanner::Process directory 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\WandaVision.S01E02.1080p.DSNP.WEBRip.DDP5.1.Atmos.x264-CM.mkv\' does not exist - skipping scan.
2021-02-01 13:31:28.159 T:3352 WARNING: VIDEO::CVideoInfoScanner::Process directory 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\WandaVision.S01E04.1080p.DSNP.WEBRip.DDP5.1.Atmos.x264-NOGRP.mkv\' does not exist - skipping scan.
2021-02-01 13:31:28.159 T:3352 WARNING: VIDEO::CVideoInfoScanner::Process directory 'D:\Downloads\SERIJE\wandavision.s01e03.720p.web.h264-gopher.mkv\' does not exist - skipping scan.
2021-02-01 13:31:28.162 T:3352 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:41

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Re: Kodi Addonsi
Dal itko zna zasto meni zadnja 3 dana ne radi ni jedan stalker
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Re: Kodi Addonsi
I dal vama radi?
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Re: Kodi Addonsi

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Re: Kodi Addonsi
Ne radi ni ovaj, neznam zasto, ucita listu al kad ovu upalit kanal, nece da ga ucita, dal mozda znas zbog cega?
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