Umjetna inteligencija uči prepoznavati hakerske na

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16 godina
Umjetna inteligencija uči prepoznavati hakerske na

Ne znam ovako samo iz clanka koja je posebnost ovog sustava, ali primjena strojnog ucenja u detekciji neovlastenih upada u sustave nije bas nova ideja.

Perhaps today IS a good day to die. PREPARE FOR RAMMING SPEED!
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 19.4.2016 16:58 (1domagoj1).
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16 godina
Re: Umjetna inteligencija uči prepoznavati hakersk
Arthur Clarke je napisao zgodan romančić o računalu koje čitanjem s usana pokušava prevenirati hakerski napad.
Imamo nova kola radi dojma, imamo stav kad nemamo pojma...
2 0 hvala 0
8 godina
Re: Umjetna inteligencija uči prepoznavati hakersk
Visak kaže...
Arthur Clarke je napisao zgodan romančić o računalu koje čitanjem s usana pokušava prevenirati hakerski napad.

 pomokrio sam krevet te noći

16 godina
Umjetna inteligencija uči prepoznavati hakerske na

VoodooShield je vec ubacio nesto slicno u zadnjoj beta verziji. | |
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 20.4.2016 0:33 (djigibao).
Moj PC  
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16 godina
Re: Umjetna inteligencija uči prepoznavati hakersk
djigibao kaže...

VoodooShield je vec ubacio nesto slicno u zadnjoj beta verziji.

Da li si siguran da je tu rijec o strojnom ucenju, da nije rijec o nekim drugim heuristikama?

Perhaps today IS a good day to die. PREPARE FOR RAMMING SPEED!
16 godina
Re: Umjetna inteligencija uči prepoznavati hakersk

Evo sta kaze developer VoodooShield-a:


What VoodooAi does it a lot more similar to the way Cylance utilizes Ai... the main differences being that they use Amazon Web Services for their modeling, whereas VoodooAi uses IBM Watson in the initial stages, and Microsoft Azure for the final analysis. Well, the other differences are they have teams of data scientists (as opposed to just Molly and I), and their product is only available to the enterprise. I would be curious to compare the two head to head... I have only been able to make 3 comparisons, and VoodooAi did very, very well. I think Ai is going to play a huge role in computer security over the next few decades, but it is not the silver bullet... it is never going to be absolutely perfect, but it is quite adept in finding the really bad unknown and zero day malware. So when combined with other technologies, it is extremely useful. | |
16 godina
Re: Umjetna inteligencija uči prepoznavati hakersk
djigibao kaže...

Evo sta kaze developer VoodooShield-a:


What VoodooAi does it a lot more similar to the way Cylance utilizes Ai... the main differences being that they use Amazon Web Services for their modeling, whereas VoodooAi uses IBM Watson in the initial stages, and Microsoft Azure for the final analysis. Well, the other differences are they have teams of data scientists (as opposed to just Molly and I), and their product is only available to the enterprise. I would be curious to compare the two head to head... I have only been able to make 3 comparisons, and VoodooAi did very, very well. I think Ai is going to play a huge role in computer security over the next few decades, but it is not the silver bullet... it is never going to be absolutely perfect, but it is quite adept in finding the really bad unknown and zero day malware. So when combined with other technologies, it is extremely useful.

Ima li negdje nesto detaljnije? Iz ovoga bas ne mogu iscitati konkretnu tehnologiju, osim sto kod VoodooAI-ja spominje podatkovne znanstvenike, sto doista upucuje na strojno ucenje jer jedan od velikih zadataka kod SU-a je dobro pripremiti podatke za algoritme da ih prozvacu.

Perhaps today IS a good day to die. PREPARE FOR RAMMING SPEED!
16 godina
Re: Umjetna inteligencija uči prepoznavati hakersk

Zasad samo to, mozda se jos negdje spominjalo o tome na tom forumu (Wilderssecurity) odakle sam C/P ovo gore ali mi se neda trazit.

Eventualno bi forumas @siketa mogo znat jos malo o tome.


Mozda jos ovo (ako sta pomaze):

What MIT is doing is quite similar to to what Palo Alto Networks (among others) is doing with Ai... it is more on the network level as opposed to endpoint protection like VS / VoodooAi. I am a little surprised that they are so far only detecting 85% of malware... although that is certain to get a lot better, I am sure they have some of the best data scientists in the world that will soon achieve a 99% or so detection rate. | |
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 20.4.2016 23:47 (djigibao).
15 godina
Umjetna inteligencija uči prepoznavati hakerske na

AI: "nu hakerskog napada!"

dreser: "ma to ti je lažnjak. netko te zafrkava."

AI: "a, dobro onda. pamtiću-vratiću."

i tak ...


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Moj PC  
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