Alex Jones NWO Wars - igra za PC, Mac, iOS, Android
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Patriotska cijena od $17,76
Akcijski platformer koji vas vodi na razne misije spasavanja Amerike (to jest svijeta jer Amerika je svijet)
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Kao sto i sami autori kazu:
"Save the world from the evil globalists’ plot to turn everyone into bug-eating pod-dwelling libtards!"
Neki od featura su:
- JOIN ALEX AND HIS ALLIES – Every day the deep state sues, lies, defames, and KILLS law-abiding patriots who threaten their power!
- DEFEAT BIG TECH CUCKS and MORE – And other anti-American communist bosses throughout this adrenaline-inducing adventure!
- PLAY AS ALEX! – For the first time in history, experience the world through Infowars leader Alex Jones’ eyes and see the WAR he fights!
- SAVE THE BABIES – It’s no secret the NWO REPTILES are after our children. Play NWO Wars now to help save these innocent victims from these MONSTERS!
- THEY ARE TURNING THE FRIGGIN FROGS GAY! – Only Alex Jones can stop this madness and restore balance in the Brain Force
Na jednoj misiji, posjetit cete Epstein Island, gdje vas ceka finalni boss, Bill Clinton u kratkim hlacicama i dok svira saksofon vi ga rokate, jer bolje nije ni zasluzio naravno
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Nakon Baldrus gate 3, ovo je najbolja igra koja je izasla ove godine