Engleski, mala pomoć

poruka: 12
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moderatori: DrNasty, pirat, Lazarus Long, XXX-Man, vincimus
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12 godina
Engleski, mala pomoć

Pozdrav svima! Pošto nisam rođen na ovim prostorima, uporedo sam učio maternji jezik+hrvatski, pa mi engleski ide veoma teško. U ponedjeljak trebamo imati neki rad, a do tada imam ovo da uradim:


1. Bolji grad za tinejdžere ( nešto kao više biciklističkih traka, manje zgrada, više mjesta za mlade, sportskih sadržaja, fizičke kulture i slično..)


2. Fudbalski meč (gerenalne informacije o meču, šta se desilo na meču i moje viđenje meča), po mogućnosti neki nogometni jer ovdje se ne igra ništa drugo :)



Treba da sadrži 7-10 rečenica, neke tipiče stvari koje bi rekao neko ko ima 16 godina, samo da rečenice nisu previše komplikovane, a da opet imaju neku smisao. Ako možete da mi pošaljete privatnom porukom, hvala svima unaprijed mnogo, ovo mi je veoma bitno!

15 godina
Engleski, mala pomoć

Ajde ti napiši na hrvatski kako si to zamislio pa će ti netko prevest.

I think a lot of cynicism has dropped away from my shoulders since I stopped drinking...
12 godina
Engleski, mala pomoć

1. Bolji grad za tinejdžere:


Dosta tinejdžera u mom gradu su besposleni. Mislim da je to najljepše doba u životu i da ga treba provesti na dobar način. Trebamo napraviti biciklističke staze i poticati vožnju biciklom, jer je to zdravije i sigurnije. Trebamo više klubova za mlade, gdje će se moći igrati neki sport, učiti jezici, ili pak gdje bi se mogli upoznati između sebe. Mislim da trebamo promovisati sve sportove, a ne samo fudbal i košarku, jer dosta tinejdžera voli odbojku, rukomet ili možda neki sport pun adrenalina, kao što je skejtbording. Bilo bi odlično kada bi povećali broj časova fizičke kulture, jer je to mladima zanimljivo a i dobro je za njihov razvoj. Mislim da bi svi trebali trenirati neki sport, jer nas to razvija u fizičkom, ali i psihičkom smislu. Međutim, ko ne voli sportove može da vozi bicikl, jer je to takođe veoma zdravo. Trebamo se truditi da na ulicama ima što manje smeća, i često organizovati akcije čišćenja okoline.. Mislim da ako upotrijebimo neke od ovih prijedloga, naš grad bi mogao postati još bolje mjesto za mlade.



2.Fudbalski meč


Prošle sedmice sam išao na rukometnu utakmicu RK Zagreb - Borac u Banja Luci sa tatom. Svi smo znali da će to biti veoma zanimljiva utakmica. Meč je bio uzbudljiv od samog početka, ali je Zagreb uvijek imao par golova prednosti. U 43. minutu Borac je stigao do izjednačenja (15:15), pivot Kovač je promašio penal za vođstvo, međutim tada u igru ulazi Ivano Balić, jedan od najboljih igrača svijeta. Zagreb za 5 minuta daje 4 gola i mirno završava utakmicu. Borac se trudio, ali nije mogao da stigne Zagreb, koji je zaista kvalitetniji tim. Na kraju je rezultat bio 24: 19, za igrača utakmice je proglašen Ivano Balić koji je igrao briljatno. Dvorana je bila ispunjena do kraja i svi su uživali u meču. To je bio sjajan dan.

12 godina
Re: Engleski, mala pomoć

1. A better city for teenagers


A lot of teenagers in my city are without a job. I think it's the best time of the life and that it needs to be spent in a good way. We need to make bycicle tracks and encourage cycling, because the healthier, the safer. We need more youth clubs, where will be possible to play some kind of sports, learn foreign languages or a plece where they could meet each other.  I think we need to promote all sorts of sports, not just football and basketball, because a lot of teenagers like playing voleyball, handball or even adrenaline-filled sport, like skateboarding. It would be great when the would increase the number PE(Physical edication) classes, because it's inteeresting to young people(ovdje sam bio malo nesiguran, pitaj jos nekoga za prijevod) and it's great for their development. I think that everyone should be doing some kind of sport beacuse it evolves us physically, but also mentally. But, who doesn't like sports can ride a bike, beacuse it's also very healthy. We need to make more effort to reduce the trash on the streets and often organise enviroment cleaning actions. If we use some of these prepositions, our city could become an ever better place for young people.


2. A handball match


Last week i went to Banja Luka with my dad to attend a handball match between RK Zagreb and Borac. We all knew it woukd a very interesting match. It was exciting from the very beginning, but Zagreb always had several goals of advantage. In the 43rd minute Borac made itself even with Zageb(15:15), pivot Kovač missed a penalty shot to make a lead ahead of Zagreb, when Ivano Balić, one of the best players in the world, enters the game. Zagreb gives 4 goals in 5 minutes and ends the game peacefully. Borac made it's best effort but it couldn't beat Zagreb's score, which is really a better quality team. At the end the score was 24:19, and the player of the matsh was voted Ivano Balić whis played brilliantly. The hall was completely filled and everyone enjoyed the match. It was a great day


Nadam se da će ti ovo pomoći. {#}

EDIT: ne osporavam da prijevod nije savrsen, pa ako ima netko, neka ga slobodno uredi ;)

Ko da me briga za potpis...
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sub 29.10.2011 20:34 (Suddenly Psychotic).
12 godina
Engleski, mala pomoć

Ne bih preveo "besposleni" s "without a job"; besposlen nije nezaposlen. U kontekstu rečenice bi više odgovaralo reći "idle" ili "leisured". U drugoj rečenici se ne zna o čemu govoriš.



Many teenagers in my town are idle. Being a teenager myself I can't help but to think these years are the best days of our lives. I believe they should be spent more fruitfully than bashing away at out keyboards updating our Facebook profiles and trolling old people on the internet. City authorities could (and should) build more bicycle lanes and encourage people to ride bikes. It's healthy and environment-friendly. Furthermore, additional youth clubs would be very beneficial to us young people. They [youth clubs] would provide us with opportunities to meet and greet other young people with similar interestes. The youth clubs could also prove to be places of learning foreign languages alongside of promoting many different sports.


And I have just realised that the assignment was due monday. Today being wednesday I shall take my leave and go browse the internet for some scantily clad women. >_>


I left my wallet in El Segundo.
13 godina
Engleski, mala pomoć

I ne bi rekao because the healthier, the safer, već because that is more healthy. Nećeš reći healthier jer nije pravilno kompariran pridjev, a i more healthy bolje zvući.

12 godina
Engleski, mala pomoć

kao sto sam i rekao, znam da prijevod nije savrsen, i dobro je da se nasao netko da ispravi ;)

Ko da me briga za potpis...
14 godina
Re: Engleski, mala pomoć
Suddenly Psychotic kaže...

1. A better city for teenagers


A lot of teenagers in my city are without a job. I think it's the best time of the life and that it needs to be spent in a good way. We need to make bicycle tracks and encourage cycling, because it's healthier and   safer. We need more youth clubs, where it will be possible to play some kind of sports, learn foreign languages or a place where they could meet each other.  I think we need to promote all sorts of sports, not just football and basketball, because a lot of teenagers enjoy playing voleyball, handball or even adrenaline-filled sport, like skateboarding. It would be a great idea to increase the number of PE classes. the number PE(Physical edication) classes, because young people are interested in sports.(ovdje sam bio malo nesiguran, pitaj jos nekoga za prijevod) and it's also  great for their development. I think that everyone should be doing some kind of sport because not only does it evolve teenagers  physically, but also mentally. Teenagers, who don't like sports can ride a bike, because it's also very healthy. We need to make more effort in reducing the trash on the streets and often organise enviroment cleaning actions often. If we use some of these prepositions, our city could become an ever better place for young people.


2. A handball match


Last week i went to Banja Luka with my dad to attend a handball match between RK Zagreb and Borac. We all knew it would be a very interesting match. It was exciting from the very beginning, but Zagreb always had several goals of advantage. In the 43rd minute Borac made itself even with Zageb(15:15), pivot Kovač missed a penalty shot to make a lead ahead of Zagreb, when Ivano Balić, one of the best players in the world, enters the game. Zagreb gives 4 goals in 5 minutes and ends the game peacefully. Borac made it's best effort but it couldn't beat Zagreb's score, which is really a better quality team. In the end the score was 24:19, and the player of the match was voted Ivano Balić who played brilliantly. The hall was completely filled and everyone enjoyed the match. It was a great day


Evo male korekcije prijevoda,ovako bih ja to napisao. {#}

Piracy lives forever!!!
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put ned 6.11.2011 20:17 (softwaremaniac).
7 godina
Re: Engleski, mala pomoć
Mozel mi neko sastaviti pismenu na temu teenagers and work (da idemo u skolu i radimo poslije skole)
2 godine
Engleski, mala pomoć

Moze pomoć molim vas sin mi ima sastavak na engleskom. Na temu kako je biti tinedžer. Njemu to bas neide a ja nisam nikad učila engleski ako ima koja dobra dusa da bar nesto napise. Hvala. 

2 godine
Re: Engleski, mala pomoć
Lana23 kaže...

Moze pomoć molim vas sin mi ima sastavak na engleskom. Na temu kako je biti tinedžer. Njemu to bas neide a ja nisam nikad učila engleski ako ima koja dobra dusa da bar nesto napise. Hvala. 

 Nek napise da je odlicno i da ne zeli nikada odrasti. 


6 godina
Re: Engleski, mala pomoć
A što mu to konkretno ne ide? Vokabular, gramatika?
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